//The Great English Breakfast

The Great English Breakfast

di | 2022-12-02T22:25:09+01:00 2-12-2022 22:25|Alboscuole|0 Commenti
a cura di Tommaso Marioni e Michele José classe III/E e di Marta Migliosi e Fatima Zzahra Tourbi classe III/B – scuola Secondaria di I grado –

Food is our common ground, a universal experience” J. Beard 

This is what we experienced on the 10th of November, when we went to the “Istituto Alberghiero di Assisi” to taste the typical English breakfast. It was a great experience! At the school entrance there was one of the teachers waiting for us. She was going to be our maìtre for the day. Our visit started with a tour in the kitchen. It was really interesting! One part of the students was already preparing the meal in the kitchen and the other one was going to do the customer service. After that we went to the school dining room where the students together with the teachers told us the story behind the English breakfast, and presented the meals we were about to taste. We learned so many interesting facts! Let me tell you some! The full English breakfast is a famous typical dish in the UK and in the states of the Commonwealth, made by: bacon, scrambled, poached or fried eggs, pork sausages, grilled mushrooms, fried or grilled tomatoes, toast, baked beans, black pudding and a cup of tea with a drop of cold milk, of course (we tasted all of them, except the pudding). It all started in the Middle Age, when the farmers had to eat heavy meals before going to work. The fried breakfast became popular in Great Britain and Ireland during the Victorian Age. At the end of our visit we were asked for feedback. All of our classmates agreed that everything we tried was very delicious and everyone was very polite. Before leaving they gave us a bookmark as a gift… how cute!It was the most delicious experience of all time, a new combination of flavours and different cultures.