

di | 2021-04-02T07:37:03+02:00 2-4-2021 7:37|Alboscuole|0 Commenti
Mariagrazia Abruzzese – Cyberbullying affects the weakest and hits them on the Internet from behind a screen. The victim receives negative insults that make her feel sick, but unlike a fist , words are not visible and hurt more. Cyberbullies insult you at any time of the day, they tell you to die, because you exist . In class we saw a video taking place in a school and there were some boys and girls wearing white masks and insulting their friends, through social media and with masks they were all the same and the victim didn’t know who was hiding behind them, the words hurt and stay inside and always haunt you. Today everyone has a phone and with mobile phones you can do everything, like insulting a friend to be stronger, or posting photos with wrong insults and comments,bullying and cyberbullying  both hurt, and if there are problems you need to talk to adult people and ask for help. I’ve never experienced bullying or cyberbullying on my skin, but I think we need to help victims and not be accomplices. We need to be strong and talk without being afraid of the consequences.