//My favourite writer: Rossana Soldano

My favourite writer: Rossana Soldano

di | 2024-01-17T23:35:12+01:00 17-1-2024 18:59|Alboscuole|0 Commenti

di Giulia Sortino, classe 3^E – My favorite writer is Rossana Soldano. She was born on 10th January 1976 in Taranto,but she currently lives in Rome. She wrote one of my favorite books, “Come anima mai”. I love it! It tells about a love story between two men during the second world war. I’ve always been into books and I’m really interested in stories about homosexual men. Homosexual relationships have always existed and men and women have had to fight to assert their right to love whoever they want. She wrote a story that could be set in the present day, but which instead finds itself catapulted into a historical moment in which living the homosexual condition was considered a sort of pathology. I was very struck by the fact that each chapter opens with an emblematic phrase from “Alice in Wonderland”, a book linked to the story and the protagonists due to their imaginary and continuous search for a magical dimension, where their love can be accepted and lived with serenity. With her book, Rossana managed to give me a thousand different emotions that shocked me. She managed to make me laugh but also cry until my head hurt. This book is perfectly written and can completely engage you!! I define it as “Rossana’s masterpiece”. As far as I know she hasn’t won any awards even though she deserves a lot of them for her skill!! I will always support her!

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