//Forgetting that people are unique

Forgetting that people are unique

di | 2021-04-02T07:41:00+02:00 2-4-2021 7:41|Alboscuole|0 Commenti
Fabiana Clemente – I have thought about cyberbullying for a long time. Fortunately, I have never been a victim of bullying or cyberbullying and I don’t know anyone among my friends who has ever suffered anything like this. But after what I heard at school today, I think cyberbullying is even worse than bullying, as one is insulted, laughed  at and judged. It is much easier to say things to people behind a phone or a pc, because you don’t have to put your face on it, and it hurts even more than bullying. Instead, cyberbullies can be many, and  they are often people who do not even know you, who criticize you without knowing your story and who manage to defame you in the eyes of others. I find it inadmissible that children aged 14/15 have to commit suicide because they are constantly insulted. Even on the web as in life, it is better to be kind and respectful ,without forgetting that people are unique and that certain wounds are so bad that they can affect a whole life. Maybe we should all think that one day someone we really love might end up as the victim.